This is all I have to say right now. I hope you all are having a wonderful day.
Day 12 Morning x 2
I feel like I'm in the movie Snow day. I left on the 29th, and I'm getting back on the 29th. I am in the San Francisco airport, waiting for my flight, which will undoubtedly be a little late, as there is a blanket of fog covering the airport. However, it was a relatively easy flight from Tokyo. It was difficult to sleep (I may have gotten about 3-4 hours total), but it was 2 hours shorter than the trip going to Tokyo, so I'm not complaining.
Anyway, it is 10:20 am, and I have 2 1/2 hours until my plane leaves for Spokane. I would sleep except that I'm paranoid that I won't wake up for my flight. I guess I will get my sleep on the plane and on the drive back to Pullman. This is one of the consequences of traveling long distances, but I don't regret taking the trip in the slightest (tiredness and all). Again, I'm not excited to get back to work and deal with all of the stuff I didn't get done before I left, but I'm happy for the experience and look forward to doing it again next year.
I guess I'll write more later. Take Care everyone.
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