Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 12 Morning

Well, my flight back is in a few hours. I'm looking forward to going home, but I'm ready to come back whenever the opportunity comes up. I finally understand a little bit of the mixed emotions that our students feel when they come to the U.S. to study. I haven't had a lot of contact with people back home since I've been here other than comments to my Facebook posts, which is cool too. I did my best to share the highlights of this trip, but there is so much to share that I didn't have time to post. I have so many pictures (average of 200/day--you can do the math), but it's the stories behind the pictures that are more important. I'm looking forward to spending more time reflecting on this experience and looking forward to new experiences as the years go by. Life truly is an adventure calling our name and saying, "Take me!" Who am I to tell it, "No!" I would rather give in anyway.

This is all I have to say right now. I hope you all are having a wonderful day.

Day 12 Morning x 2

I feel like I'm in the movie Snow day. I left on the 29th, and I'm getting back on the 29th. I am in the San Francisco airport, waiting for my flight, which will undoubtedly be a little late, as there is a blanket of fog covering the airport. However, it was a relatively easy flight from Tokyo. It was difficult to sleep (I may have gotten about 3-4 hours total), but it was 2 hours shorter than the trip going to Tokyo, so I'm not complaining.

Anyway, it is 10:20 am, and I have 2 1/2 hours until my plane leaves for Spokane. I would sleep except that I'm paranoid that I won't wake up for my flight. I guess I will get my sleep on the plane and on the drive back to Pullman. This is one of the consequences of traveling long distances, but I don't regret taking the trip in the slightest (tiredness and all). Again, I'm not excited to get back to work and deal with all of the stuff I didn't get done before I left, but I'm happy for the experience and look forward to doing it again next year.

I guess I'll write more later. Take Care everyone.

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