I'm home now! I had such a wonderful time on my vacation, and I look forward to many more vacations to come (to Taiwan, Japan, Peru, Italy, etc.) as the years go by. I have the travel bug and don't plan to just sit back and let life pass me by any longer. I guess what I came to appreciate more than anything else is the amazing connections with people that my job has given me over the years. I've met some of the most fabulous people from around the world who have all added so much to my own view of what the world is like and why.
Being back home means so much to me at this point. I know that there will be some stresses to deal with, as I get back into the swing of teaching and taking classes. I will miss my Taiwanese friends/family immensely. However, I look forward to seeing them again, so I did not say good bye when I left this time...only "See you next year." I was so happy to see my amazing "family" at home; to be able to hug my child (who has grown since I've been gone) was priceless. To see and hug Yessenia was wonderful in so many ways (I didn't realize just how much I would miss her while I was gone). It was also great to shake Jeff's hand and hear the words bienvenido and know that I was welcome home. Yes, the reality of my crazy of life is here, but living the vida loco is not such a bad thing when you're surrounded by such a crowd of hecklers (I mean good friends) as I am.
I wish all of my friends an amazing holiday season this year. May your lives be filled with joy and peace, even in the midst of crazy lives. I can't help but think of my parents right now and how they supported my "dreams" over the years. This vacation was dedicated to their memory from the beginning, and I bring back memories that will always remind me of the best that my parents represented.
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